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Images with High Subscriptions of the 2022's Second Half

Writer: TongRo ImagesTongRo Images

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

We analyzed the characteristics of stock images with high subscriptions during the Second Half of 2022. Comparing this article with another article that covered the First Half of 2022 would help your content production better.

[Into the City]

The first trend for the Second Half of 2022 is ‘Into the City’. Unlike the coronavirus pandemic era with its catchphrase, ‘It is dangerous out there’, consumer confidence has increased in multi-pronged ways after the social distancing and outdoor face mask obligations have completely lifted. Examples are the ‘Outdoor Sports Image’ and ‘Food Image’.


The subject that made us realize the genuine popularity of outdoor sports images was golf and park golf, which were part of this year’s Customers' Requested Content for July. The increase in the preference for them has been clearly stated in the 《Sports Industry Report》 published by MCST(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) on December 30th. According to this report, sales figures for the driving range have increased by 27.8%, which is 2.752 trillion Korean won.

In the case of the food image, there was a high demand for the images of delivery food, non-contact food delivery, and food packaging supplies during the First Half of 2022. However, the image that showed great performance during the Second Half was a well-set food image that gives the people the impression of dining at the restaurant. We also should consider the fact that the environmental factor has also affected the trend of food image since the delivery fee has increased due to the cold wave.

Therefore, we can conclude that it would be wise to select open places that give people a livelier atmosphere for the shooting place for the First Half of 2023.

[Winter Vacation and Travel]

People are getting comfortable with the idea of coexisting with coronavirus, and this leads us to lower the quarantine measures all around the world. Since traveling abroad is getting more and more invigorated, images that portray water sports such as surfing and swimming at the holiday resort are showing high demand. Also considering the buzzword ‘vengeance traveling’, it seems like people’s passion to travel abroad will be continued throughout 2023.

[Images that depict the Prospect of Economy and Industry]


The preference for economy and industry image was also clearly observed. The background of this phenomenon can be interpreted not only as the year-end tax settlement done by the National Tax Service of Korea during the Second Half of the year but also as the ongoing global economic issues since these images are suitable to use to express the inflation getting more and more serious including the consumer price reaching its highest record after the foreign-exchange crisis happened in 1997, unsold properties due to the increase of interest rate, and expected constrained budget(s).

In conclusion, the creators should have the creativity and insight to look through the customers’ needs and current affairs in the process of planning stock photography. We hope you could have a great performance for the First Half of 2023 by equipping those as well.

If your images contain a recognizable face, a model release must be submitted together with the images. In addition, if your images contain a place, an object, pets, or other properties that require consent from ownership, copyright holders, or property rights holders to use them, a property release must be submitted with the images. Not submitting such releases may result in content rejection by the editor.


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